Manned flights:
1.Station building, resupply, crew transfers
2.Free-flyer visits
3.Moon, Mars and Venus programs
Unmanned flights
1.Comsats, to support manned ops
3.Interplanetary missions
I am hoping to keep everything modular to allow for quick development of the add-ons needed to fulfill the above missions
basic current thinking is...
Energia Klipper or Krunichiev PTK, for manned op's
Parom or PTK service module for tugs/free-flyers/station modules
Angara would be the LV of choice for all missions
Roskosmos current interplanetary missions will be simulated, Phobos-Grunt, Luna-Glob, Venera-D, all three missions would launch on soyuz-2. but current testing has reveled that angara with one strap on booster can lift soyuz-2 class payloads
I have started modeling some the add-ons needed
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